01/01/2012 Well
the end of another very busy year :o)) I just want to
thank everybody for being supportive, understanding and keeping me
busy. 50 visitors this year, here's just a few, just look at all
those happy faces.
talking about visitors the final one in this year was Ben Weston from
Durham who brought his lovely lady Sally along for a spin in the
sim. Ben is considering building a 100% replica 737 for hire, so
we had a good chat about it all and did a full flight test on
Prosim. Worked flawlessly!
Plans for this year is to totally integrate Prosim into the cockpit
and do some maintenance.
is Prosim is out of BETA.
v1 was officially released 31st December
So, it just remains
for me to wish you all a very Happy New Year and here's to 2012.
Merry Christmas Everyone.
So busy this time of year. Just got an e-mail from Hanne, so the
Big News Today is The Prosim737 Licensing
Webshop Is Open For Business HERE

And talking of Prosim, i've managed to get round
to starting to integrate the displays into the cockpit. They are
working seamlessly. Response from the CPFlight Kit with Prosim
is excellent.
Ben WESTON is coming over after Christmas, so he'll be the first
visitor to test fly it.
Well, that's about it before the New Year, got lots to do and i'm
going to be giving the Beer Fridge a Hammering.
Just remains for me to wish all my friends, colleagues and visitor
this year a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Eren has been telling me that to ease
the 'keeping the customer informed' situation, they have now put in
place a new order progress notification system.
What's going to happen is this. Once an order has
been entered on the production schedule, a unique order reference will
be raised and the customer will be advised by email of that
Then as the product progresses thru each step of the production
process i.e initial assembly, wiring, final assembly & testing
etc, a new notification will be sent to the customer informing them of
the progress of their order. The
customer will be able to access their order(s) at any time once they
have the reference using the link supplied to them in the original
email. It's a great idea because there's nothing
worse than not being informed.
Well work on ProSim737 continues.
I've now got it installed in the F/O position and have been flying
from the right so i can get used to the displays. I'm just
bombed out with the Terrain Radar and the VSD gauge. Have a look at
these then and see what you think. This is on the Runway and the
departure from Innsbruck. Ok, it was a test flight and I know i
didn't set the Heading Bug because i was testing the CPFlight MCP and
the F/O Efis Unit assignments :o)) Click on an Image For a
Detailed View.

really must get onto the Inputs, but Christmas is here and Madame is
always asking me to Get This & Fetch That and Will I take her
shopping - Never A Dull Moment in our house :o))
And I've Been busy with some projects for some
colleagues. Another set of 7 segment displays assembled
for Simon Corish. And the Overhead Re-Wiring side of
things has been busy as well. Alan Watson was over
for a couple of days while we converted his overhead to be 'ProSim'
Ready. 7th Overhead i've done this year. I must be mad
leaving my own stuff to sort everybody else, but i'm a nice
guy. And I've still got two more to do in the new
year :o)) I just have one issue with the
Phidgets LED64ADV Card,
so many F*****g wires in one place, but it works perfectly :o))

Also Alan Watson was here for
a couple of days for me to re-wire his overhead to make it ProSim737
compatible. I had great fun turning a 'Pigs Ear' into a
'Silk Purse. Photo's soon.
Big News today.... I've been in Paris
this weekend looking at Revolution Simproducts latest 'secret
development'. Motion, Motion, you want Motion? Well take a
look at this then. Absolutely stunned with this. I knew it
was on the drawing board because the last time i was over it was a
pile of component parts on the workshop floor.

It's a 3 axis motion simulator
aimed at the Professional and Training market. And of
course we had to put it thru it's paces. I reckon over the
weekend we put 15 hours on it. This one is sold already to
a major airline but i'm not allowed to say anything more than that i'm
afraid. And then there's the inside :o))

Throttle, motorised yokes, full instrumentation package powered by
Prosim. Full 180 degree view (and plans to goto 220
degrees). Purpose Built Overhead from CPFlight. It's
just looks and feels so real with all systems
functional. Also over to see it were a
couple of Norwegian colleagues, Geir Petterson and Vidar and also
joining us was Dan who flew in all the way from Switzerland :o))
More News on this as I have it.
News today is the ProSim 737 Flight
Model is ready. After several months in development it's now
been perfected and will be available from both the Revolution
Simproducts Shop and Prosim
Website next week priced at around the 29 euro's mark.
Designed specifically for use with ProSim it's the ideal solution for
users of the software to gain maximum advantage and performance in
their setups. The Paint Kit is due any day now. Hope to
have more news Monday.
I'm off to Paris Saturday and
Sunday because Eren has organised a Product Seminar where he has
invited several guests to come and view the new Jetstream Products and
he's using it as an opportunity to introduce some new products aimed
at the Professional Market. Did I say Motion?
Oops :o)) More on this Monday when I get back.
Well I've done my bit.
Finally finished, all done and Simon was over today to pick up his
Overhead Panel. Both of us are so impressed with the
quality and the finish (and the performance) of this Overhead.
Simon is going to fit the knobs and the Switch Toggles.
Filip from Simworld mailed me today telling me the Digits have been
despatched, so it's all done :o)) I've
got an Engravity Overhead arriving next week - Watch this space as i
compare them for ease of wiring. And because Simon
& Richard Myers were here, you have to put them thru their paces
don't you. The little bugger stunned me the last time he
was here with a faultless arrival at Innsbruck, so I sent him into
TIVAT (LYTV) in minimum conditions - i'm speechless, he nailed it.

   17/11/11 Bit
of Time this week so i've been concentrating on getting all the
switches working & the led's hooked up to the Phidgets LED64.
Overhead Panel is now fully
functional and tested out using Prosim. All that remains to be done is
fit the gauges which by the way will be dummies and the front plates
and then Simon can come and collect it.
I've been asked a few times how I hide the controller cards.
Have a look at the pics and see where i've placed them.
week for visitors..... 5 here this week. First Up on
Thursday was Nathan Codrington (left) from Bromley and Tom Ashman from
Widnes. Then Friday, All the way from Warton near Blackpool, The BAE
Systems 3. Bob, Matt and Andy came in to see what it was all
about. They were very complimentary when comparing the
'pit' to the one they have at their facility, so that went down well
didn't it :o))
WOW, well we had a ball at
Lelystad. Great to meet up with old friends and associates
as always. But first a 'BIG
Thank You' from the Revolution
Simproducts Team to everybody who came to see us. Me,
Eren, Oral, JWS and Pernelle, Steve Mitchell, Jan &
Fred. And not forgetting Marty & Hanne from
Prosim737 who joined us on the stand. Revolution
Simproducts have now entered into a 'commercial' relationship with
Prosim - More News On That When I get the go ahead to spill the
beans. Very successful show for us and a lot of fun as
well into the bargain.

Eren and Oral were interviewed for TV, how about that then !
Then of course it was great to meet up with my mate, the old Romanian
Bandit himself Dieter Jakob and his wife on the ROUTECH stand, he's
just as funny as ever and he had several new products on show.
Really pleased to talk to the guys from Simworld also so I could
discuss a couple of things about their overhead which I discovered
building them. If you are going to buy an Overhead, you just have to
consider this one. And true to form, Gert Heijnis was
there as well with FSXpand showing off the new FMC. He now
has compatibility with CPFlight kit installed in the new v6 software
which makes it even more adaptable.

Finally, no 'Boys Weekend
Away' is complete without the social side is
it? I just have to say thanks to Max at
the Airport
Hotel In Lelystad for his exceptionally great service (and keeping
us supplied with lots of Bitburger Beer). Here's a
few shots of the Saturday Evening.

To Right: We caught David Bullock with a small glass of beer !
We soon put a stop to that :o)) Next, that's Max pulling the
beer. Then Andras Kozma and Mike Latham. It's
all Andras' fault I started cockpit building in the first place.
David Bullock (with a large beer), Gert Heijnis of Flyware with Steve
Mitchell. Jan Willem and Pernelle.
Efe and his new bride and finally our table.

And just when you think it's
all over, the entertainment arrived :o)) There's all these
flashing lights, so you have to go look don't you. A Low Loader
carrying an airframe for painting arrives and has to negotiate the
turn in front of the hotel. But Eren's car is
in the way. No worries, what a driver, he got past
without any probs. Is it a BEECH?

02/11/11 Another
great week away in Zakynthos (I should live there :o)) ). Well
just getting ready to leave for Lelystad. Working again with the
Revolution Simproducts team, so come and see us won't you. Back
Sunday evening of the 6th Nov. As usual, i'll have lots of pics
and news i suppose.
Been waiting for the annunciator backplates from SIMON which have
arrived, so when I get back, hopefully he will have got the BU0836X
boards from Leo and I can then finish his overhead for
him. Then bugger me, another overhead has appeared
on the horizon. My mate Alan Watson wants me to wire his
Engravity Overhead for him.
i've made a start. All I seem to have done this year is build
And finally what about the Prosim737 Terrain Gauge. It
just blew me away. I'll be talking to Marty and Hanne at
Lelystad because they are sharing our stand and there's going to be
some real great news. Ride the Jetstream :o))
15/10/11 Simon's
overhead, work progresses. I got held up waiting for some
switches from MOUSER which arrived yesterday. So, I've been able
to complete the inputs. Now just waiting for the BU0836X
cards. No big deal, i'm on holiday from Sunday for a week,
so i couldn't do anything next week if I wanted to.

12/10/11 My pleasure to welcome two
really nice guys over this week. Kieran Truefitt (Right) and
Mathew Hemmety. Kieran is an Air Traffic Controller at
Manchester Airport, so of course we had to do a sector into and out of
EGCC didn't we. Talk about by the book ! They were
most insistent about wearing the seatbelts :o)) :o))
onto the overhead. It's progressing nicely. I've got
5v onto it so i can light up the 'dummy' annunciators. The
LED64 card has arrived, so yes you guessed it i'm wiring up LED's,
such a boring job. What I've done is wire the LED's in
groups as they fit on the panel e.g. Eng Gen Off/Source Off/Transfer
Bus Off and wired them with the corresponding cable colour.
Yellow, Blue & Green for easy identification when i get to the
LED64 Card. Simon is getting quite excited now it's
coming to life. Biggest issue we have is that Leo Bodnar
is out of stock of BU0836X boards until the end of the month, so that
is going to hold things up a bit. But, if you can't get
them until the end of the month, that's the way it is :o))
Also finding time now to get the website upto speed as well (not
before time, but i've been so busy).

06/10/11 Great Week, so busy.
Kristinn Ellertsson was here all the way from Iceland to get some
practise in before he goes for his 'sim check' at Copenhagen Kastrup.
Full day flying 4th and 5th October and even 7am start for a 1.5hr
slot before he left to catch his flight
back home from Manchester on the 6th. Talk about make me
work :o))
Right back on Simon's Overhead.
03/10/11 Work
continues on Simons Overhead. I just cannot tell you how good
the quality of the SIMWORLD Overhead Panel is. It's a pleasure
to work with. Just wondering why they machine some switch
holes out for Large Toggle Switches and some for Miniature Toggle
Switches. I'll ask them when I'm in Lelystad.

30/09/2011 Holidays out of the way
and back to work. First thing is Simon CORISH was here from Doncaster.
Simon brought over his SIMWORLD Forward Overhead Panel for me to wire
up for him. And being here, you have to have a fly don't
you :o)) The best approach & landing I've seen into
Innsbruck, well he's got a frozen ATPL so i wouldn't have expected
anything less :o))
the panel itself. Well I am blown away at the quality. This is
the third Simworld Overhead I've wired up this year and I am so
impressed with how everything is finished and just fits.
I'll post more pics as i get on with it over the week.
Also this week, I have a pilot coming in from Iceland for a couple of
days practise before he goes for his sim check. I've thought up
some real 'nasties' for him :o)) :o)) :o))
Finally, I've been talking to
the developers about this POKEYS55 card and the issues i've been
having. In all fairness they are 'on the ball' and really into
solving the problems i am having. They seem to
think that possibly there may be an issue with Windows XP Home and the
config software. I've just hooked it up to my laptop
running Windows 7 to see if that works. Watch this space.
I've just got one of these
input/output cards from Wendy at FSP. I bought it to hook up
to the Prosim Test Rig because Prosim now supports this card natively
& gives you upto 55 inputs (or a mix of ins &
outs). This card can be configured as a keyboards
emulator or as a joystick controller as well.
But (there always has to be a but), forgetting the Prosim
configuration because it's all built into the main Server part and
handles everything automatically for you, using the PoLabs
configuration program is a NIGHTMARE! I found the PoLabs
config software to be 'buggy', not reliable, kept locking up and
generally not friendly at all. So as far as Joystick
Controllers are concerned, forget this card, stick with the BU0836X
and for a keyboard emulator, it's still got to be the Opencockpits
USBKeys card. Now if you're wanting to hook
upto Prosim, then that's a different matter. I'm
away on holiday from Thursday for a week, but when I get back i'll be
attaching some switches to this board and seeing how it performs.
Thank you , thank you and thanks
again. Even more traffic over the last year. Distinct
visits here totaled 154,395 to year end 31/08/2011, with an average
daily total of 425 visitors. Most popular pages was this one and
the Technical Information Page. I'm stunned :o))
CLARKE was here for a couple of days (Aug 23rd to 25th) all the way
from the other side of the world. The second 'Aussie' in a year
to come and have a play in the cockpit. Denys lives on the
Sunshine Coast in Queensland about a 100km north of Brisbane and has a
setup of his own built around the PMDG.
It's always great to have other 'little boys' over to play :o))
Quote 'I think it's absolutely brilliant and I have so enjoyed myself
flying it'...Thanks Denys
Finally, Gert At Flyware has
released v6 of the FSXpand
software which now includes the FMC/CDU. I've had it for
three weeks, but because of visitors and workload, I haven't had
chance to set it up yet. But my desk is clear until
Monday, so I'll take a look at it over the weekend. I have
managed to get the network sorted to run it on.
Again this year, EREN has asked me to
work with him at the FSWEEKEND
2011 Show in Lelystad 5th & 6th
November. And true to form, he's got a
'Special Offer' on. Click on the image for more information.
I've been talking to Clive Dickinson and what do you know, he's
breaking a Boeing 737. I'm possibly interested in the
Contact Breaker Panels if the money is right, so he sent me these
But what I really want is a set of three cabin
seats for behind the cockpit.
I just missed a set on ebay which come up from time to
time. These went for £75.20 can you believe :o))
I'll get Clive to send me photos of anything he has available so we can
shift it for him hopefully. Right out to the workshop for
a play and to see what I can get working in Prosim with Hardware
Busy, busy, busy :o)) John
PERRIN was here Saturday for a 'catch up' and to get the low down on
ProSim which I'm getting on very well with actually.
Apparently it's going to go Payware at 300 euro's which pound for
pound (or $ to $ or euro to euro) is going to be great value.
It's quite an amazing piece of software for the money.
Holiday weekend in the UK next weekend, so not much will get
done. I'm onto getting some switches working
with Prosim, but that's going to have to wait.
Well things are starting to get back
to some kind of normality and the sim has actually been flying quite a
bit. In today we had Tony DALE and John QUEEN for a
spin from Manchester to Gatwick and back. John flew the out
sector and Tony brought it back. Both these chaps
work at Manchester Airport, so they knew their way
around. They were very complimentary and it's great
when people appreciate your efforts. I just have to
compliment Gary SUMMONS of UK2000 scenery here. Both the
Manchester and the Gatwick Xtreme sceneries are superb.
talking about UK2000 scenery, i just bought the new Newcastle
(EGNT) Xtreme. It's absolutely excellent and well worth
spending your pocket money on. Just wondering
when he's going to do Cardiff for us Welsh Lads :o))
Lee Elcocks came over and brought his
overhead panel with him. He was doing a 'dry run' and brought it
here to get me to work out exactly what he needs to get it
operational. So, we sorted him out and ordered his kit. It's one
of Gez Britton's (he was here a couple of weeks ago) GLB
Flight Products overhead
panels. So while it was here I took the opportunity to
take a few snaps of it. Lee is very excited and can't wait
to get it up and running. Fourth overhead I've been involved in
this year and Simon Corish just called me and asked me if I could wire
his up for him :o))
Thanks for all the contacts
chaps. No I didn't die nor been away on an extended
holiday. I have a major project on my desk from my old
company which i have been working on for
the last three weeks and it's taking up all my time.
However things have been going on in the
background and visitors still coming over. Gez
BRITTON (right) of GLB
Flight Products fame was here to fly and to show me some of his
new products. I am very impressed with the Gear Lever, so
much so, I ordered one. I'll photograph it when it arrives (about 3
it was a pleasure to welcome ex-AIR2000/First Choice/Jet2 captain Neil
Heather over to play. It's always a pleasure to have real
world pilots here, they bring with them a world of experience and
teach me so much. Neil has a small setup at home and  once
he'd tried out the sim, he was going away to expand what he has.
I suspect he may be back.
Then we had Chris HULME and Ollie HALL over. Chris is
Cabin Crew with EASYJET out of
Liverpool. These two were so on top of
their game, i was left speechless. They worked
exceptionally well as a team and planned so far ahead, nothing got in
the way. Ollie flew the EGCC to EGKK sector and Chris
brought it back.
Just want to compliment Gary Summons here for the UK2000 Xtreme
Scenery series.
Lee ELCOCKS was here with his Overhead Panel so we could take a look
at it and plan how it was going to be wired up.
Seems to me I must have got involved in every Overhead Panel project
in the UK over the past year :o)) More on that when i get
time. Thanks for bearing with me chaps, another
month and things will be back to normal (but it's then holiday season.
i'm away in Sept and Oct :o)) ).
Well thanks chaps, the CDU sold as
did the Yoke (seems like everybody wanted it), just got the MCPCombo
left if anybody wants to make me an offer on
it. And I've got a set of CH USB Rudders here SOLD. Details on the For Sale
22nd June saw Chris Clarke here from
Stratford on Avon who said flying the sim 'Was A Great Experience',
well it would be wouldn't it :o)).
Then, what about this..... The Demo A380 hit a building at Paris.
It's OK, it may look like the Revolution
Simproducts Factory, but it's not.

Right, time for a clear out. The PMDG
Test Rig has been stripped out and I now have a new one in the
workshop. So, I've got several pieces of kit which are 'surplus
to requirements'.
First item i've got ready is a VRInsight MCPCombo Panel.
Has MCP, EFIS and Comms sections. Works with most addon
aircraft. There's more information and pictures on
the FOR SALE page.
My first yoke *SOLD*
there as well. I will also have available shortly, a VRInsight CDU
*SOLD* some CH
Rudder Pedals, several Desktop Aviator Switch Panels and a 3 Slider
Throttle/Mixture/Pitch unit.
  16/06/2011 Well
this is why nobody's seen me for a week or so :o)) This is
not a hobby anymore, it's become my job (that's got to
change). I've spent every waking hour for a week on this,
i was 'sweating like a glass-blowers arse'
:o)) This has been on the cards for some
time. So, with PROSIM
allowing the use of an LED64ADV
card and being able to use Leo's BU0836X cards as switch inputs, I
decided that it's time to completely re-work the overhead wiring, so
out it came. I'm not ready to transition yet to PROSIM,
so i've re-wired the Overhead Panel 'artisticly' which allows me to
use it with PROSIM
(when i'm ready) and also continue to keep the sim 'flyable' using my
own interfacing. What i've ended up with is a TON less
wiring and a 100% operational Overhead panel. It's also
given me the opportunity to fit the 7 segment displays and change the
backlighting to LED strips as well (although i'm not 100% happy with
that so, i'll need to do something about it when I drop the
overhead next time).

10/06/2011 Lots
going on..... it seems everybody who comes brings their wife
You don't think the girls are starting to take an interest do
you? First Steve EVERSON (left) came over 4th June
to discuss what's going on with PROSIM and he brought Vicky with him
for a jolly. Nice to put a name to a face at last. Steve
got to put some time in while he was here as well.
Then on Monday 6th June, my pleasure to welcome James WARD (right) all
the way from Cambridge who brought his delightful lady Camilla with
him. James is just starting out and i can
only say he was impressed judging by the way he was grinning all the
Well what a busy week.
Re-wiring Steve Mitchells TQ and Steve Everson was here with Vicky
discussing Prosim, but more of that later.
Starting to get to grips with Prosim.
Couple of things I don't like about it (probably my inexperience with
it), but all in all one very nice piece of avionics
software. One of the biggest issues with doing it
the way I originally did it was the fact the F/O instrumentation was
the wrong way round. So I decided the first job was to get
the F/O displays in - et voila :o)) Now what I
need to do is get an EFIS working with them. Plan is to keep the
cockpit flyable (for fun or it becomes a job), so integrating Prosim
into one section at a time is going to do that.

Just got back from a vacation in
Zakynthos (again) and in my mail was one from Marcus at LAUSITZ
AVIATION. Marcus has some ultra high quality 737 centre
pedestals for sale. These are fixed-sim quality, all
aluminium construction and accurate down to the last
detail. Price for European customers (inc.vat) is 752.78
euros and for non-European customers the are vat-free at 632.59 euro's.
Shipping is extra. These are the exact same pedestal
I have (with a few improvements and now white powder coated).
Marcus tells me he can supply also with DZUS rails as an option for an
extra 178.50 euro's.
You can contact Marcus HERE
or see the Lausitz
Aviation Website.
While I was in Paris, I got to play
around with Marty Bochane's PROSIM. I was really impressed
with what it offers. Because I'm always looking for a way
forward, I decided to setup a 'working model' on my workbench. This
program has real possibilities. Not only does it give you
all the displays you need, there is a wide range of support for Input
and Output devices. From your everyday joystick cards like Leo's
BU0836 family thru Phidgets Cards (LED64ADV) to the CPFlight MCP and
the Engravity CDU. So easy to setup and within an hour, I'd got
it working with both the Engravity CDU and the CPFlight MCP.
Away on holiday in Greece for a week, but dying to get on with this

Mark at Virtual Aerospace has been in
touch to tell me the Sim is in and running and he's open for business.
Based at Sywell Aerodrome in Northampton, he's offering some great
deals in the sim.
I'm going away on holiday on Friday, but when i get back, i'm going
over to take a look at it, watch this space........ Contact Mark
Also he's offering a 25% discount to 737ng.co.uk visitors, so
say you saw it here :o))

SELMECI was here May 7th and 8th all the way from BUDAPEST,
Hungary. Peter is an approach controller at Budapest Ferihegy
Airport (LHBP), so he was showing me the ropes into LHBP
:o)) Total of three flights over the two days
and lots of talking :o)) :o))
Also I've done the 'How To
Make Dummy 7 Segment Displays' doc. Just have a look in the left
hand column and click on the document image. Not as
difficult as it seems and it really adds that certain something onto
the overhead. Will look at the ability to change them
using clock and driver chips when i have time.
Very busy two weeks (Bride had me
decorating, visitors, Jobs to do - phew). Well the idea of
the dummy 7 segment displays really took off. I've had a number
of mails asking how to do it, so i'm in the process of writing it up
in one of my documents. On top of that i've had four sets
on my workbench to make up for people. They really do add
that finishing touch to the overhead.
LOHMAN was here 6th April, but i've been so busy I'm only just now
catching up. Another excellent flight with some good lessons
learned. Also had a day over at Steve
Mitchell's in Macclesfield upgrading some of his software/hardware.
What started out as a hobby, seems to have become a job :o)).
I'm off to Paris
Tuesday/Wednesday next week to catch up with Eren and Oral and to
complete some work that has been hanging around for weeks.
So if anybody has any questions or suggestions then please let me know
here and i'll pass them
Change of plan because of other
commitments, going to Paris 3rd and 4th May now. And talking of Paris,
I was talking to Eren this morning and he's got another promotion
going on to celebrate Revolution Simproducts second year in
business. He's 'bundled' the Rudder Pedals with some
CPFlight Kit and is offering a discount on the
bundle. There's three bundles to choose from
1. Rudder Pedals & a CPFlight MCPPro, 2. Rudder Pedals and a
CPFlight EFIS Pro or 3. Rudder Pedals and one each of the
CPFlight Nav and Comm Radios. Click the image on the left for more
details or see the PROMOTION page at http://shop.revolution-simproducts.com
And here's what they look like fitted :o))

  04/04/2011 I
may be going to Paris next week to finish off the new TQ Kit Video, so
i was talking to Eren about what's going on over
there. He's telling me the New Overhead switches are
ready and the Yokes are in production.
Here's a few shots he sent me to take a look at. I'll be taking
my camera with me when I go :o))
More info on the Yokes & Switches from Eren at sales@revolution-simproducts.com
also preparing for some major upgrade to systems in my cockpit. Over
the years things have got a little bit untidy, go on it happens to everybody
:o)) Obviously as you get more experienced and
hardware/software develops, you find better (and simpler ways) to get
better performance and realism. So, after building
Steve Mitchell's overhead, i'm going to utilise the services of a
PHIDGET's LED64 ADV board to improve the logic and annunciation.
Something I have planned for the summer months when the weather get's
26/03/2011 *
have a young colleague who started to build an Airbus A320 cockpit,
but decided that he wanted to build a 'hands on' aircraft instead and
has ended up with a C172. So, he has a couple of
Cockpitsonic A320 panels for sale. An ECAM Panel which
he's looking to get GB£25
for and a Flaps Panel for £10.
Both + shipping.

ECAM Unit is complete with all
Rotary & Tactile switches and ready to go. Both Panels are 'backlightable'.
Anybody interested can contact ALEX HERE.
Tuesday saw
Pete DEEHAN and Robert CASSIDY here for some practise. Pete has
just got his qualification and is now going down the 'looking for a
job' road. Robert on the other hand is now almost part of
the furniture :o)) Originally with Thomson on 737NG's, he's now
gone to QATAR Airways originally on 777's but has since transitioned
to the A320.
Download Library is going well. Seems everybody wants 737 docs
:o)) But for our Airbus friends, there's a Flight Crew Training
Manual and the FMS manual just uploaded.
Well managed
to get the Captains J Rail in place, just in time for Rhys Betteridge
to take them out on their first trip March 18th. Always
great to have real world pilots here because they teach me so much
which makes for a better time.
I just
got off the phone with Eren and look what he's come up with
:o)) Here's some shots of the 737 Cockpit Door which
is just going thru protoyping. He's telling me that it should be
ready in a week or so. Will also come with a Keypad entry as an
option, so watch this space for when i have more. I'm
going over to Paris next month and he tells me they have lots of new
products in the pipeline for me to look at and photograph
Over the years
I have collected a real assortment of documents relating to the BOEING
B737 and other Aircraft inc. the B757/767, the B777 & the Airbus
A320. These include Flight Crew Training Manuals, Flight
Crew Operating Manuals, Pilot's Operating Handbooks, Quick Reference
Handbooks etc. This and I have an array of home
produced documents as well, meant they were getting to be a handfull.
I was forever sending links to people so they could share these
documents as well, so I decided 'Let's Tidy It All Up' and make life
So as well as linking to Docs throughout my website, I decided to put
them all in one place and make them readily available for download by
creating a Document Library Page. I've made a start, but this
will be an ongoing Project. Just click on the image at the left
or HERE to see for yourself.
Here's the
'How To' doc for using a rotary switch as a potentiometer and then
using it's positional values to execute a command or send a macro in
FSUIPC to operate your software switch or control. Just click on
the doc image to download it in .pdf format. Using
this method allows you to keep your indexing of the switch and your
panel synchronised. And if you don't want to make
the switches up yourself, then Leo Bodnar is making them for
sale. Just have a look on his SLI-Pro page at the bottom which
you can find HERE.
07/03/2011 Another
busy week (I Love It). Well I managed to find time to
mount the F/O Seat on the J Rail and then install it in
place. Very pleased with the operation and movement.
Just one little issue in that you have to have arms 2 metres long to
reach the release bolt. But I already have a cunning plan
to rectify that :o)) I hope to have the other one
fitted by the weekend.
KELLY was here Saturday putting the sim thru it's paces. He
handled it very well indeed into LOWI (not an easy approach to land
that one).
He said "Thank
you for giving me the opportunity to have ago in your sim.
The journey was definately worth the effort. I Really enjoyed
this week, I have had several colleagues (4) recently needing to
control rotary software switches with a hardware switch, yet still
keep the hardware switch indexing with the markings on the
panel. Many years ago, Mark Deponeo taught me to 'ladder'
resistors. I completely forgot about this technique.
Then I realised that i could use it to solve this problem.
Pete Dowson allows us to use upto 10 actions from a Pot in FSUIPC when
a pot enters a range in both the Up and Down directions.
So i turned a rotary switch into a pot with the aid of some resistors
- et voila :o)) Result is that you can set the
positions of the switch and get FSUIPC to send a macro to either
increase or decrease the position of your software switch.
It works a treat. I'm writing up the technique in a 'how
to' doc before i forget about it again :o)) I'll
upload it when i have finished it, probably later in the week.
Steve Mitchell
was here Monday to pick up his Overhead Panel. Here's what
the digits look like fitted and 'Powered Up'. Nice little
touch this. Now where's those J Rails?
28/02/2011 Got
chance to take a look at the REVOLUTION
SIMPRODUCTS 737 'J Rails' yesterday. These are real
clever and they work a treat. Because I have WEBER seats,
Eren made me a couple of adaptor plates to fit the 'Claw Feet' WEBER
seats have. He's going to be making these available as
optional extra's at about 30 euro's a side. Here's a
couple of initial shots. I'll take a look at fitting them at the
weekend and will post more photo's then as i proceed with the

27/02/2011 Phew!
What a week. 7 (yes 7) visitors this week, three of which were actual
737 Pilots. Ok, it may be just my project in the Garage, but it
seems that it has a use when they want to practise for their 'Sim-Checks'.
Starting at the left, Stuart Rutter who is going to Air Baltic next
week, Captain Peter Smith of Thomson Airways, Ryanair F/O Grant Doyle
(Right in the Photo) with two PPL friends Adam Binks (left) and James
Ormerod (Centre).

Then finally
Saturday, Jonathan Lockton (Left) & Richard Hutchinson were in all
the way from Peterborough doing a 'round europe' trip.
So, not much time for the Overhead Panel, but this week will see it
all done. Oh! The J Rails arrived, so that's another Job.
Nick Hermansky
(another PPL) was here today all the way from Leominster doing the
business into Innsbruck (love it, love it). And we were looking
at Continuous Descent Approaches. Really putting the sim
to good use :o))
has now given me the go-ahead to upload the New RevSim Controller Card
Manual, so you can get it by clicking on the image or by visiting
their website HERE.
then, Steve's Overhead Panel.... well i have now found time to
get going on the Land Alt, Flt Alt and Meter Panel Digits.
Got it beat, they are now working and ready to install in the panel
itself. Here's a taster. Going to light it all
up this week, so watch this space :o))
are Kingbright SC36-11EWA DATASHEET
are Lucky Light KW1-361CGS DATASHEET

I've managed
to get back on Steve's SIMWORLD
Overhead Panel to start on the outputs. Going very well
actually. Here's some quick shots to show
progress. I really am quite impressed with the quality of
this overhead. I've seen quite a few panels from different
manufacturers, but this one has got to take the 'best in class' prize.
We've fitted it with Revolution Simproducts Landing Light Switch
Toggles and Steve has done a beautiful job on the Knobs.
Plan now is to tidy up the 'odds and sods' and then get on with the
seven segment displays over the weekend. Better Photo's soon.

Alan Watson
was here over the weekend. I had been building a Motorised TQ
for him so he came to collect it, learn how to set it up and configure
it and generally catch up. Yes, we did our bit to support
Californian Vineyards :o))
also been testing out the new controller card which Eren has developed
and have now finished the Instruction Manual. Some
minor issues found, but like any new product there will be some
wrinkles to iron out. I now have v1.6 of the
software and this is working well.
I'm just waiting for approval before making it available
here. That should be done by the end of the week.
just told me the New Revolution
Simproducts Website is live and that the New Shop is undergoing
live testing, so they expect to be up and ready for business real
07/02/2011 Following
Mark & Amanda's visit, they have sent over a discount voucher for
advanced bookings, so why not save yourself a few quid if you
are thinking about going to 'have a go' :o)) And i've got
an invitation to go and try it out once it's up and running.
Just quote the discount reference when making your booking and
tell them you got the code here.

06/02/2011 Friday
4th Feb.,
Mark & Amanda Furber from Virtual-Aerospace were here bouncing
around ideas and having a play. They have just purchased a
full 737 sim from Simaviatik
and will be installing it at SYWELL
AERODROME in Northamptonshire for hire. Plan is to be up
and running for 1st May. Nice, upbeat people, keep an eye
on their website for news of opening and some great opening
deals. I'll post when I have more news on this.

First Bill
Potts sent me this link of how they build a 737. Really enjoyed
watching it.
I finish Steve's overhead, i'm going to re-work mine. So i was
looking at a better way to do the annunciators. Here it
is. It's a DIL case. Basically fits over an IC to
protect it.
Available in all sorts of sizes. Get
them from CONRAD in the UK. Here's
the Datasheet.
Eren has been in
touch to tell me that they are nearly ready to launch the Revolution
Simproducts e-shop. He's telling me that he's stocking
kit from FlyEngravity, CPFlight, Flight Illusion and will also be
making components and parts available. Take a look for
yourself. And there's a loyalty scheme as well :o))
When I
went to Paris, Eren sent a motorised TQ kit back with me to build for
Alan Watson. Part of the reason i got to do it was to see how
easy it would be for 'the average' builder to 1. undertake and 2. how
easy it would be for existing non-motorised TQ owners to upgrade to
motorised. I've finished it now and tested
it. Build time was about 40 hours because i had to
work out how it all went together and document
it. I'm very pleased with the end result.
Page was getting too big (lot of people telling me that it takes too
long to load :o(( So, i've now had time to move it all to
a page of it's own. Sort of an archive really. 2010 News
& Photo's have been moved to the Diary section. You can see
them HERE

Motorised TQ
is almost finished. Bit of a delay because i've been doing some
testing on the new controller card which means i have to test, then
report , then wait for the update. But i'm hoping to finish it
this week. So, in the interim, i took the
opportunity to re-work the 737 Rudder Pedal Self Assembly
videos. Much better quality than my previous attempt :o))
Click on an image to stream them.
17/01/2011 I
was in Paris
last week for a few days 'doing the business' and one of the things
that was mentioned was that the Rudder Pedal Document needed a section
in it for how to connect up to a BU0836 card. Job
done, see the doc on the left. I also now have all
the material I need to update the Rudder Assembly Video to a much
higher quality, something I'll be doing over the next couple of weeks.
I also brought a Motorised TQ back with me which I am building for
Alan Watson, pics soon.
Managed to get
to play with the PHIDGET's card over the weekend after Installing the FLYBOYSSHOP
Interface for the PMDG. I've been hooking some LED's
up to the LED64 card & set about getting the outputs mapped in the
Interface. This is so easy :o))
Result is the outputs from the Phidgets card are 100% synchronised
with the PMDG software outputs. This is just a 'dry run'
before we start to wire up the annunciators in Steve's overhead
panel. I'm off to Paris this week to do some work with
Eren, so i guess this is going to be a project from the last week of
January. I've also been working out the
digital displays. Download the Interface Manual HERE.
grief 2011 already. Happy New Year Captain's. Well Christmas and the New year are out of
the way. I have to admit the Beer Fridge got some serious
use :o)) I have been building a Simworld
Overhead Panel for a friend and it's turning out to be something
really tasty. The quality is superb and being made of
aluminium, is lightweight into the bargain :o)) This is
how it's come along upto now. The plan is to
use a Phidgets
LED64 Card to light it up by using the Flyboys
Shop Interface for the PMDG. The Phidget's card
has arrived, so i guess next week, we'll start to light it all.

The two
Simon's. Simon Lummis (right) was here on the 14th December all
the way from Peterborough and then on the 16th it was my pleasure to
welcome Simon Lloydbottom in from Birmingham.
Always a pleasure to welcome new visitors, 42 this year - Phew :o)
here's something for you, here's the latest product from Eren at
Revolution Simproducts.
thing to come out of Paris is this. Boeing Seat
'J Rails' Absolute 100% dimensional movement when compared to
the original mechanism. All steel construction and only 1"
tall. Each J rail set is supplied with top platform and can
support upto 190kg which is more than enough for you and your
Weber/Ipeco seat.
There's some video's on Youtube of it working here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xu9GHNG3d5s
robust metal construction, easy installation, replica movement,
no maintenance just SCREW AND PLAY:-)
Eren has just
called me and he's got the 'Christmas Spirit'. Some
special deals for the holiday season on Rudders, TQ's & the New
Yokes. Also now available are the Airbus Rudders.
Click on the image for prices or go visit their website at
www.revolution-simproducts.com for more information.
I have 5
computers running on my system. I've just gone thru a nightmare
having problems with three of them. It's taken me three weeks to
get the system running back as it should. If you've ever had to
re-install a full system programming and then get it re-configured as
it was you will know what a bast**d it can be. and I had to do that
twice !!!! So i now have two brand new units on board and
a spare in case of a disaster. But this week we cracked it
all :o)) So, we have been holding off on
visitors until last Saturday when it was a pleasure to meet up with
'The Shed Lads'. Some of you may remember two guys in
TELFORD building a 737 in a shed, Lee ELCOCK (right) & Ian HAYES
(left). Well they scrapped that idea because the shed was too
small. Now they're back at it and looking for a bigger shed
:o)) :o)) :o)) Got three more visitors in this week and then that's it until after
 15/12/2009 There's
been a lot going on the last two weeks so that's why i've been
conspicuous by my absence.
First up, i've been working with the guys at REVOLUTION Simproducts
'fine tuning' the
software for the TQ. Here's one of the test
video's. Nice.