The two
Simon's. Simon Lummis (right) was here on the 14th December all
the way from Peterborough and then on the 16th it was my pleasure to
welcome Simon Lloydbottom in from Birmingham.
Always a pleasure to welcome new visitors, 42 this year - Phew :o)
here's something for you, here's the latest product from Eren at
Revolution Simproducts.
thing to come out of Paris is this. Boeing Seat
'J Rails' Absolute 100% dimensional movement when compared to
the original mechanism. All steel construction and only 1"
tall. Each J rail set is supplied with top platform and can
support upto 190kg which is more than enough for you and your
Weber/Ipeco seat.
There's some video's on Youtube of it working here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xu9GHNG3d5s
robust metal construction, easy installation, replica movement,
no maintenance just SCREW AND PLAY:-)
Eren has just
called me and he's got the 'Christmas Spirit'. Some
special deals for the holiday season on Rudders, TQ's & the New
Yokes. Also now available are the Airbus Rudders.
Click on the image for prices or go visit their website at
www.revolution-simproducts.com for more information.
I have 5
computers running on my system. I've just gone thru a nightmare
having problems with three of them. It's taken me three weeks to
get the system running back as it should. If you've ever had to
re-install a full system programming and then get it re-configured as
it was you will know what a bast**d it can be. and I had to do that
twice !!!! So i now have two brand new units on board and
a spare in case of a disaster. But this week we cracked it
all :o)) So, we have been holding off on
visitors until last Saturday when it was a pleasure to meet up with
'The Shed Lads'. Some of you may remember two guys in
TELFORD building a 737 in a shed, Lee ELCOCK (right) & Ian HAYES
(left). Well they scrapped that idea because the shed was too
small. Now they're back at it and looking for a bigger shed
:o)) :o)) :o)) Got three more visitors in this week and then that's it until after
29/11/2010 G'Day
mates.... Alan Watson's TQ sold he told me - thanks.
16/11/2010 Phew,
what a week ! I f*****g hate computers :o))
Just had my Eicas machine die on me and had to replace
it. And then, my Main Cockpit
computer started to play up. So i've had it all out and
gave it a good clean and rechecked all the board and memory
connections. Seems to be fine now, so here's
hoping. Just a mention for great service here.
I bought a couple of barebones and components to build a couple of new
machines from NOVATECH. Superb service and quality. Check
out their website HERE.
Up, Dave
Holt has been in touch and look what he's made. It's a 737
Cockpit Frame. True to scale and fits all the Commercially
available Overhead and MIP panels into the bargain. Simply
all bolts together. Dave can make these for you at
about £450 unpainted, £550 painted in RAL7011 or £650 powder coated
(same colour). e-mail Dave HERE.
  31/10/2010 You
may remember I built a TQ from kit form last month and video'd/photographed
the build because Eren at Revolution
Simproducts is going to start making them available as kits to
reduce the cost. Well i've assembled the 'rough drafts'
because we need them in time for the Lelystad show. Here
they are. First one is the Mechanical Build and the second
one is Fitting the Covers. When i have more time
after the show, i'll polish them up a bit. Beauty of the
new design of course is that it's modular which means the Non-Motorised
TQ can now be upgraded to motorised by fitting the motors and controls
as a 'retro-fit' at a later date.
  28/10/2010 Well
enjoyed the holiday in Zakynthos and got back to find Aerosoft have
added LTAI - Antalya (Turkey) to its product lineup. So just had
to buy it. Typical Aerosoft Quality, nice rendition of the
Airport. Check it out at Aerosoft.
Also had Russ Cooksey here 26th October for a spin. Russ is a
PPL, so he made short work of the Alicante to Luton trip, arriving in
some real crap weather with a 700' cloudbase :o))
 14/10/2010 Another
visitor 9th October. PPL Nicholas Hermansky was here all the way
from Shoreham for some circuits at Gatwick and then a run up to
Edinburgh which he handled very well.
Gez at GLB Flight
Products mailed me with a Pic of his latest product. The
737NG Gear Lever Assembly. Quite a package product
this which includes the Frontplate, the Annunciators and even an
Illuminated Knob. He's aimed it very competitively at
Right, that's me done for a week, i'm off on holiday in the morning,
back Saturday 23rd.... Have fun.
06/10/2010 Ok,
I can let the cat out of the bag now. I had been building a Non-Motorised
TQ for Eren as an Experiment. That was to see how easy it would
be for 'the man in the street' to build.
The plan is that Revolution Simproducts will make the Non-Motorised TQ
available as a kit for self assembly in an attempt to keep costs down
and in an attempt to widen the market for Throttle Quadrants.
So, they asked me to video/photograph the build process so that a
'build video' could be made to help customers build their own Throttle
Quadrant. Part 2 is finished and i'm now working on Part
beauty of this TQ design is that the Non-Motorised TQ can now be
upgraded to motorised at some time in the future by fitting the
motorised kit as a retro fit. Click on the image for a little
teaser :o))
 04/10/2010 Just
5 weeks to go then until the Lelystad Show. Come and see
me on the Revolution Simproducts stand, i've been 'press ganged' into
helping out.
And I've been working on my second Epic, but i'm waiting for the all clear
to upload it.
it was my pleasure to welcome one of the great contributors to cockpit
building here. Gwyn Perrett (Mr. Westozy himself) and his
lovely lady Leonie all the way from PERTH, Western Australia.
Gwyn is convinced i didn't build this cockpit, he thinks i cut it off
the front of a real 737. So, i guess it must look the part :o))

finally, I built a non-motorised TQ for Eren at Revolution
Simproducts as an Experiment. There was no point in sending
it back was there. So, we sold it to Richard Hutchinson from
Peterborough who came over Saturday 2nd Oct. to collect it. Nice
24/09/2010 Just
SOLUTIONS Checklist Holder and got round to fitting it to
the top of the glareshield. Peter Cos mailed me and
said 'You
sure you want to add an FDS part to your project? :) You almost made it without us!
'. He is a boy isn't he :o)) But, in fairness it's
real nice quality.
I was
using 12v MES Bulbs for Backlighting originally, but recently i've
been experimenting with LED Strips. Initial results are very
promising and I'll continue with this because I like the clean effect
i'm getting. Haven't fitted a dimmer yet, but that's easy because they
are all fed from the same supply.
 21/09/2010 All
work done and now started having visitors again. So this week we had
two builders over from the Midlands, Ryan Ashmore (left) and Liam Webb
were in. Ryan said 'Thanks for a great day and we really enjoyed
it. It's far more than we expected'.
18/09/2010 No,
I didn't die or runaway to sea :o)) Just had a couple of
weeks in Zakynthos for
some R n' R. Right then, several
things been happening which will include a surprise later in the week
(yes it's another video, now i wonder what it can be :o)) ). First we had Richard Avery &
Alex Gralton over
for a day for a bit of teamwork & CRM practise on the 15th.
Some new scenery files I bought this week and all are absolutely
excellent. First up, EIRESIM's ALICANTE (LEAL). I'm blown
away with it. Stunning. Check it out at EIRESIM's
Then as you would expect from Aerosoft, two great new scenery
files. GIBRALTAR for those of us who like a
challenge because there's no sophisticated Navaids or ILS's here, just
Mk1 eyeball and a lot of skill. Not a big airport, but unique in
it's own way. But the next one i bought has got to be the
best of the lot. Again from Aerosoft a whole new
working of BARCELONA. Much better than the freeware
version i was using. Now includes the new terminal which was
finished last year and lots of ground traffic and static
aircraft. Very high quality. See these two excellent
sceneries at www.aerosoft.com.

14/08/2010 Sneaked
off yesterday, dropped the Overhead & fitted the Landing Light
Switches - SWEET :o))
11/08/2010 Thanks
again Captains, another successful 12 months. Over 140,000
distinct visits here since end of August 2009. Thanks for your
interest chaps.

Have a
look at these then :o)) I saw these when I was in Paris at
and ordered a set which arrived yesterday. Boeing 737NG Landing
Light switches and caps. Very nice quality, machined out
of a solid aluminium block and fitted to a security switch so they
don't rotate. Priced at 35 euro's per switch kit or if you have the
security switches, you can buy just the caps themselves. Guess the job
for the weekend is drop the overhead and fit them :o))
24/07/2010 When
I was in Paris, Eren asked me to make some video of how i built the
rudders to help other customers who will buy the Rudder Pedals as a
kit instead of the built model. Here's the end result
below. Video comes in 3 parts. Part 1 is Assembling
Mechanics, Part 2 is Fitting Covers and for customers with 2 sets of
rudders, a brief description of the interlink system.
And finally for those customers who have purchased the rudder pedals,
there's a setup document. More info HERE.

Lot going on this
week.....phew ! July 17th, we were delighted to fly with
our First Lady Pilot, Ms. Jean HANDLEY. Flew us out of and back
into Manchester onto 23R (ooow look, there's the Pub :o))
). Pleasure to have a bit of glamour aboard. Then my
colleague David BULLOCK sent me his 'next installment', how he built
and backlit his overhead project. I have never seen
someone who has such attention to detail and i'm insanely jealous
whenever i see his endeavours. Click the image on the
right to read what David has written or visit his area on my site HERE.
Just been reading up on deals being done at the Farnborough Air
Show..... Did
you know, a new 737-800 now costs $76 million, f**k me that's big
bucks :o))
16/07/2010 I
was over in Paris yesterday fetching my second Rudder
Pedal Kit from Eren. The last time i was there, I saw the
first prototype Auto Yoke which they had built as a 'proof of
concept'. Well development has progressed to a point
where it is fully operational in both pitch and roll. And
he's even got the 'Stick Shaker' working into the bargain.
Click the image on the right to stream a short demo video and here's
some shots of the first production prototype. As
well as the Auto Yoke,
Eren is also going to produce
a basic model.
These are going to be on show in Lelystad, so go check
them out November 6th & 7th. Operation is exactly the same as the real thing using Gears and
Shafts. Real sweet well thought out
04/07/2010 Well,
very pleased to play host to another celebrity last Saturday :o))
PCPILOT journalist JOE LAVERY travelled up from Cardiff to 'have a
bash' at the sim. Left Cardiff for Edinburgh with an approach
& TOGA to 23R at Manchester thrown into the bargain. Joe was
all over the new TQ and you never know we just might get a mention in
the Magazine next month.
Ok, I know, very quiet on the 'Project' front. Well I've
had the system working since early part of the year, but documenting
it all has really taken a lot of time. All the 'decision making'
is being done by PICAXE PIC's. In the above image, the one on the
right is handling all the input/outputs and the one on the left is for
expansion. Expect the new electrical page when i have had the
time (and enthusiasm) to finish up the .pdf's. I've done 4 of
the 5 and started to build the page. Watch this space.
 01/07/2010 Another
visitor yesterday, Gerard Rothwell came over from Porthcawl for a
blast in the pit. " I really enjoyed it and learnt so much. I
think it's brilliant that you share everything with flightsim
community"...Well i'm just a nice guy.
Right, made the decision, booked the Hotel, off to Lelystad Nov.6th
& 7th for the FSWEEKEND. So, look forward to seeing you all there
again this year chaps.
Last snippet for today, Eren sent me a message telling me that the new
LANDING LIGHT SWITCHES are finished, in stock and ready to
ship. Fully machined from aluminium and fitted to a
security switch, so the TEE Caps cannot rotate on the switch
toggle. Check them out HERE
 24/06/2010 All
the rudder pedals sold thanks chaps (even got to sell my spare pair as
well). So i went ahead and fitted the new Rudders from Eren.
Very pleased with the operation and end result.

'Plug & Play' install with controls being routed via a 'Bodnar
Card' that makes assignment and calibration a breeze in FSUIPC.
Have a look for yourself. And Eren tells me he has some 'SPECIAL
the FSWEEKEND 6/7th November. Click the image on the left to see his
offers for yourself.
18/06/2010 And
my pleasure 16th June to welcome another Father and Son Team, Rob
& Alan HOWE all the way from Cumbria. Very tricky approach
to Nice Cote d'Azur 04R.
16/06/2010 Well
the Rudders
arrived from Eren at Revolution Simproducts (I ought to have shares in
that company :o)) ).
Totally 'blown away' with them. Very solid construction
that includes a lot of aluminium and a very clever mechanism.
Simple USB 'Plug & Play' Connection via one of Leo Bodnar's cards
which i'm going to assign and configure using FSUIPC. The
thing I like as well is that the footrests are seperate units, which
means they are going to fit nicely with my yoke. Hope to
get them fitted at the weekend and will post more photo's and comments

  11/06/2010 News
this week is that my Revolution Simproducts Rudder Pedals will be here
on Monday :o)) More info and Pics when i get them.
Also two great chaps in on Tuesday. Andrew & John Clissett flew
Manchester to Palma flawlessly. John said 'Thanks
very much today we were very very impressed! What you have done
is a very realistic Flight Sim and we enjoyed every part of it'
Makes you feel all warm inside when somebody compliments you like that
07/06/2010 Been
working on the Auto TQ manual for Eren at Revolution Simproducts and
had some things to take care of as well, so time has not been on my
side last couple of weeks. Pleasure to
welcome our first Egyptian visitors Ali & Andy AMER who were here
June 3rd all the way from CAIRO. Flew Cairo to Sharm.
By the way, the SDG Scenery for Sharm (HESH) is worth a look. It's
cheap as chips (about 5 Euro's from SimMarket).
31/05/2010 Just
had a couple of weeks holiday, hence my absence. But after coming back
i've been flying the sim quite a lot (well that's what it's there
for). Pat on the back here for Gary Summons at UK2000
Scenery for his Manchester Xtreme. Absolutely superb in
detail and very accurate in it's presentation.Lots of updates and
runway numbering now changed....check this one out.

 22/04/2010 Well
finally got the new TQ Page Finished. Click on the Image to see
it. Took me quite some time because i was too busy playing
with the TQ. There's also some video's of it in action.
Also been busy with other things, but that's for later
:o)) Ash Cloud, what ash Cloud? Did i miss
something ?
11/04/2010 Well
finally got the Revolution Simproducts Throttle Quadrant built in and
working. Absolutely delighted with it. I've just got one
thing to sort out, a minor conflict with the CPFlight MIP Board on the
Spoiler Armed Annunciator, but no big deal. Here's some
photo's and there's more on the NEW TQ Page
which i'm just working on, so bear with me :o))

had to do some major refitting to get this TQ in the right place, so I
intend to test it all out over the next few days and while i'm doing
that, i'll make some demo video's of the functions for
uploading. But for those of you who missed it, here's a link to
the original testing on the prototype unit i had for
testing. Prototype
Test Video.
  09/04/2010 Busy,
Busy, Busy over the last two weeks. Had three visitors in left
to right Ben DALE (Sweden), Ian POUTNEY (Boston), and Andrew
LOHMAN from Llandudno over to beat the crap out of the sim.
Then 7th April, i've ripped out the sim for some maintenance and to
fit the REVOLUTION SIMPRODUCTS Throttle Quad. Pics later OMG !
To quote Robert RANDAZZO of PMDG
are currently working to provide a simple, no-cost interface for many
hardware suppliers so that they may connect their devices to future
products, such as our upcoming 737NG2.0. Development of said
interfaces will of course be left to the individual hardware
developers, but the SDK that we provide them will be plenty sufficient
to accomplish the task and we will require that they provide the
drivers at no cost to end users."
 25/03/2010 I've
been talking to Gert at FLYWARE
and he's just been showing me the new screenshots of the FSXpand CDU
in action. He's building and displaying routes based on
the Navigraph AIRAC data inside the FSXpand CDU which is due for
release later this year. I'm also happy to confirm that
Gert will also be introducing CPFlight MCP compatibilty into FSXpand,
probably in the next major release.

24/03/2010 Look
what I've just seen in my e-mail from Eren at Revolution
I was in Paris in January and I saw the prototype of these when I was
there. Eren just sent me an e-mail telling me that the
production is now ready. They look real nice
Eren wrote: 'Here
are the specification:
We have respected the appearance and size of the 737 rudder
pedals. Our unit is USB 'plug and play' just
assign the three axes as right & left brake and rudder in FSUIPC
or FS that's all in 5 minutes, you are up and
Measurements are from ground to top of pedal 36 cm,
Depth:48cm, Length: adjustable between 430 and 550 cm to allow
users of the ACE yoke with base no problem because the footrests
are the 3mm thick aliminium and are adjustable or removable.
Its solid base elements are manufactured in aluminium. Pedals are a
Delrine 'one block' piece and painted with a hard coat epoxy paint.
Also on top as a option we can put dummy adjust handle
etc. Weight:15 kg Available for order
now direct.
First delivery date in the second week of April. Price: for pre
order 900 euros plus VAT and shipment (Normal price will be 1300
euro's), but for existing TQ owners, we will offer a special 100 euro
discount. Contact us HERE
for more information'.
Finally, I have it on good authority that Gert at Flyware is talking
to Paolo at CPFlight about compatibility with the CPFlight MCP.
With the Sim Avionics price having rocketted, it's a great opportunity
for Gert to fill the gap if he can get hardware MCP and CDU
compatibility built in. Again i am reliably informed
that the FSXpand CDU is due for release this year.
 22/03/2010 Oops,
been absent for far too long. Good excuse, very busy. The 3rd
podcast has been done for MyCockpit.org
with Vybhav. You need the .pdf file that accompanies it because
there's some examples in it.
Just click on the image on the right to download it or click on the
left link to stream the discussion.
Then I've had a stream of visitors over to
play. Roger Harris was here and two 'Real World Pilots' in Rob
Cassidy   (Thomson)
and Grant Doyle (Ryanair). Great day with them and learned
soooo much.
been talking a lot lately with Leo Bodnar. Leo has now agreed a
license with Peter Dowson for use of the FSUIPC data exchange
processes. Expect great things and upgrades to what the
BU0836 family of cards can do. In our exchanges, we
discussed a new application which just might be of interest to
somebody. Years ago Mark Deponeo taught me to 'ladder
resistors'. Well in a project for a friend, i had a
requirement for 4 position flaps lever. No worries. Rotary
switch with laddered resistors replaced a pot and in the axis
assignment page, set on the right hand side what you want to happen
when the 'pot' enters that range. Leo is now
producing these switches on a PCB.
of the reason I have not been about is that I have been flying the sim.
No point in having something like this if you don't use it
:o)) Three new sceneries added to the destination
index. Just bought the Aerosoft Amsterdam, Menorca and Innsbruck
Sceneries. It never ceases to amaze me the level of quality of
the Aerosoft scenery. All these three scenery files are
HIGHLY recommended. Check them out by clicking on the pics.
GLB Flight Products
have been in touch to tell me about the new Switch Toggle Caps they
have. Could be a real budget alternative for a lot of
people. Not sure if they fit standard or long toggle switches
because the page doesn't say, so just send Gez a mail and i'm sure
he'll put you right.
 19/02/2010 Couple
of things happened over the last week or so. Vybhav talked me
into another MyCockpit.org
Podcast, this time about inputs. These are designed to get
you started in communicating successfully with your sim.
Click on the image to stream it (in MP3) or right click HERE and 'save
target as' to download it to your computer. Plans are well
under way for the third
podcast about simple electronic circuits.
Then Feb 19th, Steve Everson was here. Two years since Steve was
here, cant believe it. We had a great discussion about
what we perceive as the future and i showed him a few things that i'm
upto. i think he went away enthused and with some ideas
for his own cockpit development. And he flew Madrid to
Palma in the bargain :o))
First Scenery purchase of the tear. Alan Watson was raving about this,
so i bought the IBIZA X package. Was he right or what. Not
the biggest airport in the Med, but the attention to detail is quite
amazing. Go to the Aerosoft website and have a look for your
self. And the thing I like about Aerosoft is if you buy
the FS2004 version, you also get a link to the FSX verion for when (or
if) you decide to change platform.
05/02/2010 Some
of you may remember the Rotary Switch to Encoder Idea from last
year. Well i have a project on the go which needed something
similar. But, i only needed to control a 3 position
switch. That is one which has a + & - mode of increase and
decrease. But of course the direction of switching had to be
synchronised with the software switch. Here's the deal.

Holt has managed to work out how to drive the Cabin Alt Differential
Gauge Using Phidgets. This looks interesting.
Click on the
image on the right to see the test video on YouTube.
to everybody who got in touch re: the Podcast. Plans are well
under way for the next one about INPUTS.
27/01/2010 So
I got myself interviewed by Vybhav from MyCockpits about Cockpit
Building. This is the first in a series that we will
do. This Podcast is a General Discussion about what
new builders (and some seasoned veterens) have to think about to move
ahead with their projects. Hope you enjoy it.
Just click on the image to stream it Or you
can download it HERE
(Right Click-Save As)
 23/01/2010 I
was in Paris Thursday at Revolution Simproducts for a couple of
reasons. First they will exchange my TQ for the New Updated Version (I
had the prototype to work with). Then I was looking at some new
products 'in the pipeline'. Can't say too much because these are
still in development at the moment :o))
First Off, they are looking at several products. I've seen the
drawings of the IPECO Pilots Seat which EREN tells me will be
available in Grey Leather and with a Sheepskin Finish.
Then this idea 'Blew Me Away'...... they are working on an Auto
Yoke system. I was sat in Paris watching Oral (who was in
Istanbul) writing the programming and testing the motion of the Yoke
based in data he was collecting from inside FS. This
is breaking news, more when i have it.

Then I
saw all the new developments on the TQ. This is the new lever
drive mechanism. All Aluminium and as smooth as silk.
Lovely 'feel' to it. The thing I liked was they are now building
them modular. The new handles are exceptional. Now I
can't wait to get my real TQ here. I didn't say
anything about the Rudder Pedals did I, because nobody is supposed to
know :o))
07/01/2010 The
UK is absolutely 'Snowed In'. The weather here has been
the coldest winter for 30 years. So, as it's just too cold
to get out to the workshop, it's given me the opportunity to polish up
some new ideas. Been working on the 'Remote
Control' idea for the sim using Peter Dowson's Virtual Buttons in
WideFS/Wideclient to great effect. Now able to totally
control the sim from outside from start up to shutdown. More
Now who says the Big Boys don't take notice ! I had a
letter from BOEING thanking me for my interest in the
737NG. Fame at last !