Didn't do much in January, just a few odd jobs and service the
TQ. Actually got to put some hours on the sim. No use
having a Home Cockpit if you're not going to fly it
Installed some new scenery for AUSTRIA and BUDAPEST (recommended).
Chris Warner came to play and went away with a vision :o))
February 2009
But February saw the new CPFlight MCP being installed. I
just love the quality of the CPFlight Kit and they are such nice guys
to work with. The best product support i have seen. If you're
going to buy an MCP, get this one.

Steve Cozens (Left) and Ryanair Captain
Chris Ingamells came to play. Chris actually taught me quite a lot   March
2009 So March has arrived.
I've actually been flying, putting a few hours on it, practising
missed approaches and CDA's. Several visitors this month. Vincent Marren, Dougie
Vivers and John O'Quigley came over for a spin. Also been
playing around with LED strips for backlighting.
And 23/24th March, i was in Amsterdam with Baris IMER, my Turkish
Airlines 737NG
Pilot mate. Went to SIMKITS and saw the Garmin G1000 units
working and the LUCHVAART HOBBY SHOP. What an amazing
place, everything you will ever need and them some. Nice
people too.

I know Amsterdam has nothing to do with Cockpit Building, but it has a
charm of it's own. Even when it was wet and windy, it was a pleasure
to walk around the city. We even found time for a HEINEKEN :o)) April
2009 I got interviewed for
an article in Computer Shopper Magazine about Flight Simulators &
Cockpit Building, so i had to do some high quality shots for the
article. This is how they panned out. Ok, I know
some of them are 'lookalike', but i was playing around with shutter
speeds and aperture settings to get the right mix, so just bear with
me :o)) Oh! and I cleaned it :o))

Leo Bodnar introduced me to the ELMA E37 dual rotary encoder with push
to make switch. The major benefit (for me) over the Alps is that
this encoder has a threaded collar and can be fitted into a
Here's the Datasheet
& here's the connection
WALL traveled all the way from BINGLEY, Yorkshire to fly the sim and
went away a very happy chappie. I have been
looking for a solution to automating the electrical power supply to
the aircraft based on the source selected e.g. GND PWR, APU, Engines
etc. Then out of the blue, Mark Deponeo sent me a mail which
made me sit up and take notice. Mark has solved the
problem. Not only that, but he has all the 'systems' working
correctly as well. I was able to help a little bit by
writing some lines for his output card. Here's some shots of the
development board. Now Mark is building the real one's.
2009 I
actually got round to fitting the ELMA Dual Rotary Encoders to my
Captain's EFIS Unit. Real sweet, I'm very pleased. Now
i have a 100% accurate functioning EFIS giving me all the correct
thanks also to all the guys who visited in June especially (L to R)
Jason DELL, Chris REDMOND, Glenn SCOTT & Brian POLLITT.
June also saw the building of the Automatic Electrical System where
the power is supplied to the aircraft from whatever source we are
using automatically. Power and Annunciation is controlled exactly as
it is in the aircraft. We are using 'stock' FS offsets
thru an output board and then using that information to accurately
mimic the behaviour of the power delivery.   JULY
2009 Work
continues on the 'Project'. Peter
Wilshire came all the way from Alicante to 'have a go'.
And, July 17th, we were honoured with the 'first wife
ever'. Richard Hutchinson brought Sally with him when he
came to visit. I was impressed, she didn't yawn once :o))
For me, a new approach to the project. To achieve what i
wanted, i was starting to be over-run with circuit boards and then i
discovered PIC's. Started out using the PICAXE AXE50
tutorial board and never looked back. Amazing little
devices which are a computer on a chip. I did have some
'crap' getting to grips with Logic chips and these devices made life
so much easier. Once programmed, they make all the
decisions for you. The one above is now controlling my APU &
Ground Power.
2009 Thanks to John &
Chris PERRIN for dropping by. They had been over to RAF Shawbury
for 'go' on the Helicopter sims. By this time, i'd
realised that what i was trying to achieve with the 'project' had
started to grow out of all proportions. Boards and
components everywhere. That's when i
discovered PIC's. So I decided to go that route with the
control of the System Logic.
2009 First
week saw Rhys Betteridge here. Rhys is a 767/777 Transatlantic Pilot
building his own sim around the LVLD. He had a great time
and to quote 'It was a pleasure to fly such a great sim' :o))
September saw three very skilled guys here, from Left to Right, Gary
KO, Alex GRALTON and Richard AVERY. All three are set on
becoming Commercial Pilots. You could tell by the level of
professionalism they demonstrated in the cockpit. Well Done Guys
we had ALEX HODGSON over on the 10th Making a TV Documentary.
Alex is MD of The Hangar9 Film Co. And what I didn't know is
they own a Spitfire :o))
also saw me in Paris visiting REVOLUTION SIMPRODUCTS.
Actually saw them assembling the Prototype Motorised TQ's then got the chance to
fly one - well i had to 'do a deal' didn't I :o)) One was
due to arrive here in November. October
2009  November
2009 Roger
HARRIS was here on the 14th as was Harry RADFORD who came on the
20th. November of course is the annual
pilgrimage to Lelystad for the FSWeekend show.

arrived one November morning and look what they delivered. The
Revolution Simproducts Motorised TQ.   December
Very busy month for visitors was December. First here on
the 2nd were Richard MYERS and Simon CORISH from Doncaster.
Then the 'Fun Boy Three', Ray EVERETT, Sean NIXON and Jason CARLING
came over from NEWCASTLE on the 11th for a repeat
performance. Great bunch of guys.
Finally, All the way from MONUMENT Colorado, our first
U.S. visitor, Tony
WINSLOW was here 23rd December. Very happy to see so
much interest in the 'pit' and always a pleasure to have a
And, I have now completed the
Electrical System Automation. I've been at this since May can
you believe. But, it's been a big project. However,
the end result is excellent. All i've got to do now is
sort out the green digital display on the meter panel.
But, i'll do that next year.
All in all, a very very good year. Learnt lots, flew lots and
lined lots up to implement next year. Best
SIMPRODUCTS for the Motorised TQ
for MALLORCA X and PARIS Charles de Gaulle LFPG
= Phil Lambert at SIMVIONICS
for his DZUS Fastners and ENGRAVITY for the Dummy CDU
Peter Dowson for the Virtual Buttons in WIDEFS
= Trevor Hale & Bob Reed for COCKPITBUILDERS.com
Special Thanks
to Real World Pilots Rhys Bettridge, Robert Cassidy, Jamie Knight
& Chris Ingamells for teaching me lots