Well I hope you had a
great Christmas and you got all the 'Goodies' you wanted.
Well, look what Santa brought me.
My mate
Joe Lavery (of PCPilot Fame) is making 737 Chronographs and 'quite by
chance' two ended up in our house Christmas morning.
These are NOT expensive when you compare them to other options out
there. I don't know exactly what the bride paid for them, but I
seem to guess they were about £120 (about 145 euro) each.
Choice of two bezels, one to fit the Engravity MIP and one to fit the
FDS. Or choose the one you want for your home made
MIP. No point me going into 'in depth fitting' here
because Jeremy did a how I fitted them thread on MyCockpit http://www.mycockpit.org/forums/showthread.php?t=25431
Instructions and Bezel Size .pdf's are above. Just click
on the image for more information. Contact Joe HERE
I ended
up with some Christmas Cash didn't I. So I thought I'd make
Mathias a little richer and went over to Aerosoft to spend some of
it. Ended up adding 3 new destinations to the route
network. Bought the EPKK2012 Krakow, LGIR X Heraklion and
the BIKF Keflavik Scenery packages. EPKK & BIKF are
AES compatible so that's a plus :o) By far the
best of the three is the EPKK scenery, very detailed and
'busy'. Dont know what all the hype is about
Heraklion, dont get me wrong, it's OK, but just seems a bit 'Grey'
lacking colour and traffic. I prefer the Keflavik because
you never know visibility and wind speed going in there :o)
Just doing the 'end of year' round up, so hope to have that uploaded
sometime next week.
Ok I know, i'm behind
with things. Well just want to thank everybody for making it
another busy and enjoyable year. So can I take this opportunity
to wish you all and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year in 2013.
Managed to get the
Digits in Colin Batson's Overhead - I'm stunned !
SIMWORLD have changed the 7 segment displays and now supply a 'smoked
glass' faceplate. The effect is fabulous, the picture
doesn't do it justice believe me.
And on top of building panels, doing development work and all the
other 'bits and bob's', still had time to fit in visitors.
2012 saw my first Israeli visitor Uri Tevel who thoroughly enjoyed
himself, then Friday Derek Leather was here from Chorley. A very
motivated and interested sort of chap who really knew his way around a
737 :o)
There's a SIMWORLD
Rear Overhead on the go now, but with the Christmas Holiday fast
approaching, I guess this is as far as I'm going to get with it until
the New Year Arrives
Well No.2 Overhead is
ready to go to Jan Willem. What started out as a sad looking
piece of metal is now cleaned, wired up and working in Prosim.
All that needs to be done is to fit the Lightplates and the last few
remaining annunciator legends and it's a nice piece of
kit. I originally was also going to fit the Opencockpits
gauges, but I came across a problem with the OC verus
Engravity fixing
holes, so i was going to glue them in, but Jan Willem didn't want to
play that game, so Eren is going to fit them.
This is how it progressed over a three week period. Good
experience, because you are governed by what you can hide in a forward
overhead, but doing this I have discovered a way to double the in's
and out's in the same area. Stack the cards using standoffs.
So, it then becomes possible to 1. Hide upto 6 cards in the forward
overhead and 2. connect up all switches & LED's.
Well the First
SIMWORLD Forward Overhead Panel for Colin Batson is complete and ready
to go. While I was building it, I kept a Diary of how it
progressed throughout the build.
This is a 'Lite' version having 1 x BU0836X card, 1 x BBI-32 card for
inputs and a Phidgets LED64 for outputs. 64 ins and 64
outs. Configured and connected to Prosim. It works very
I'm also 're-vamping' an Engravity Forward Overhead for JWS which is
nearing completion and i'll be uploading pictures of that
shortly. The SIMWORLD Build Diary is HERE
or just click on the image on the left to get there.
Just spent the last
three weeks building two overhead panels (the third i haven't even
looked at yet). I also have two rear overheads to build as
about it, but the quality just is amazingly brilliant and that's a
fact. Colin Batson's is just about complete, just got to fit the
7 segment displays and the gauges. Here's some shots of it as it
was being built. It's up and running and configured in
Prosim and all is exactly as expected which is always a bonus :o)
I've also got an Engravity Panel here for re-vamp and the same
technique is being applied to that. Pictures soon as i get
time, but with Christmas coming Madame is diverting my time and
attentions elsewhere :o) More Build pics HERE
(not finished yet - but will be soon)
Alan Watson has a set
of CH Rudder Pedals up for grabs. He tells me they are 'As New'
and still in the original box. He's looking for £50
(under half price) for them plus shipping (or you can collect from him
in Crawley). Contact Alan HERE
if you are interested at all.
Elcocks still has his second overhead panel available. He
ended up with two. This is a Brand
completely wired Poldragonet Overhead ready to work in PROSIM.
Lee tells me there's two Bodnar cards and 1 x LED64ADV cards in it and
he's even got the config file if you want it. He's
dropped the price to £1100
plus shipping
because he wants the money to put towards his TQ. Now this
has to be a bargain for somebody.
Contact Lee HERE
if you are intertested. Also available for collection from
What's wrong with
me? There's F*****g Overhead
Panels everywhere! I've got 2 SIMWORLD Forward and Rear Panels
to build. One for Colin Batson and one for Tom McBennett and an
Engravity one to completely re-vamp for Jan Willem. Man
this is keeping me busy. Estimated Build Time from
Unpacking a Simworld Forward Overhead to completion is about 80 Hours,
so i've got my work cut out here. I'm keeping a Diary
of the Build (Not complete yet), so anybody embarking on this type
of project may get some ideas. I'll upload it soon. Plan
is to have Colin's Forward Overhead complete by end of next week and
then I can crack on with Jan Willem's ,
but I'm waiting for some APEM switches from Eren for that. 
All 3 Panels are going to be used inn
Prosim, so making a common switch/connection plan is the way to
go. I'm using a BU0836 and a BBI-32 as the inputs and a Phidgets
LED64ADV for the outputs. Reason I used 1 x BU0836X
is because there are analog inputs available on the Overhead in
Prosim. More soon as i crack on.
More FSWeekend
pics. Just love the one of Rhys on the Bridge of The
Enterprise :o) And some more snippets of News into the
Bargain. Actually the Guys at Revolution have developed an
Enhanced Version of the Instructor Station for Prosim.
It's actually very good indeed and the Plan is to make it available to
Prosim Users. No Pricing as of yet, but as soon as i know
i'll advise.
We got a a chance to 'play' with it before Rhys was elected as the
Next Up Eren brought a half cockpit (sort of a Cabriolet version) to
the show to demonstrate the Motorised Yokes and the NEW Adjustable
Rudders. Very nice too.
Then I have to give Max at the Airport
Hotel a mention. He is one of the few people who I know
who can insult you and make you laugh at the same
time. In fact what a lovely guy who is more than a
host, he's your mate as
well. It's got to be
the place to stay when attending the show. And to top that
what really impressed me was the 3 litre bottle of Jack Daniels they
keep on the bar. Got to try it out haven't you :o)
A thoroughly enjoyable weekend and my thanks to The
Prosim Team, Rhys Betteridge, Alan Watson, John Perrin, Jan Willem
and Pernelle Severijnen, Eren & Oral from Revolution
Simproducts, Andras Kozma and everybody else who was there
that made it such a great weekend.
FSWeekend 2012, I was there ! Great weekend, we were
VERY BUSY on the Revolution-Simproducts stand Saturday. I just
did not have time to draw breath. Eren brought a half JETSTREAM
COCKPIT to display and that really drew the crowds.
The Production version of the Cockpit Seat was there too, so I had to
take some pics for my colleague Carlos Hermida.
And of course there were the mandatory THROTTLE
And it was a great pleasure to meet up with Hanne and Marty and the
rest of  Team
Prosim. I'm getting heavily involved with Prosim and it's
great fun. I'll be doing a lot of work over the winter on
Prosim 'How To's', so Watch This Space. I'll be assembling a
Prosim Page as well with lots of Tip's & Tricks.
to see the Guys from SIMWORLD
again. They were showing their new 'Plug & Play' Overhead
Panel. They had a PRO
Version on show which is fitted with all the APEM 'Pull To
Release' switches which really add something (not just the cost) to
the Panel. These are available HERE
been VERY Busy this week after coming back from the
show. First up, I'm doing some work for Dieter Jakob at
Routech, but that is an ongoing project over the winter.
Nice to see him and his wife again. One of the most genuine
and funny people I have ever come across in my experiences in the
Flight Sim Community.

There's a
new Sim In at Coventry Airport, Flight
Simulator Midlands, so second job this week has been
helping Capt. Chris RIGBY transition his sim from the Old Flightdeck
Software over to Prosim. And yesterday we managed to get him in
the air using Prosim737. He did actually say he was excited
:o) Dont know where i'd be without Teamviewer.
Superb remote control of PC's, a 'must have' for remote support and PC
setup. I have loads more pictures from
Lelystad which i'll try and upload over the weekend.
Really got to grips
with the IFly 737 Cockpit Builders Edition. I now have to
download and install the Full PRO version and get to grips with that,
but i'm off to Greece for a Week 23rd of October and then it's the
Lelystad show.
IFly737 Cockpit
Builders Edition. Well i managed to get a 'development' copy of
this software and i've been setting this up in my workshop as a favour
for a colleague and this is where we are at right now.
The copy I had was all in separate installation files. Bit of a
ballache getting it all in, installed and activated.
However, Steve Masson tells me the end product will be an 'all in one'
package. That is going to be a    bonus
believe me. So, the first thing to do is get
the aircraft installed in FSX. Piece of
cake. I wanted to do this to check PC
performance and FPS (average 35-40 with highly detailed Aerosoft and
UK2000 Xtreme addons) which is good.
Next up i needed to get the displays working. The image on the
right shows how i set it up. PC1 visuals and CPFlight
MCP. PC2 Cpt. PFD/ND & Upper Eicas. PC3 Lower DU &
F/O PFD/ND. Setting up the displays takes some
understanding, but once I realised the concept, a walk in the
park. There's a very good manual on doing this that comes
with the package, but you have to go looking for it, it's not included
in the menu items. So, that's the
setup. Today I'm going to be testing it all
out with some Autopilot functions and hand flying.
Lee Elcock's mailed
me today, He's got a Brand New UNUSED Forward Overhead
In his own
words "A
brand new Symulatory FWD
overhead panel for sale. Fitted with three of the new BBI32 cards from
Leo Bodnar, and one Phidgets LED64 ADV card. Not all of the switches
are simulated, but all switches that are essential for fight sim are
available and working. Unit fully tested with prosim, config file
available if you request. USB lead and power supply for Phidgets
supplied. USB leads for bodnar cards are not. There are spare ports if
you would like to add more "working switches"
Lee is asking £1300
+ shipping or if you want you can collect it from TELFORD.
He's even got the config file if you want to use it. Mail
him HERE if
you are interested
And Then some. I have been invited to check out the iFly
737 Cockpit Builders Edition to see what we can do with it, so i need
to setup a network running FSX to load it on. Main machine
is good to go but i'm short of a PC to run the hardware/software
on. Bits ordered from Novatech
Friday so hopefully will arrive Monday/Tuesday for
assembly. I've been talking to Steve Masson (really pleasant
chap and the Main Man on this Product) and hopefully next week we'll have it running. so watch this
space :o)
Bosworth was here from Reading for a look at the sim and a chat about
Prosim. Very enthusiastic chap and really interested in
how it all works. And like Stephen Balmer, i dont think we've
seen the last of Andy :o)
Ok, what with being on holiday in September (i have to go again in
October :o) ) and with other things happening, i'm so
Fair Play, Lockheed
Martin refunded me, so I'm a Happy Chappie :o) So I did
the decent thing and donated the money to the BLOODHOUNDSSC
attempt on the Land Speed Record. Going to get my name on the
Asked for a Refund on
Prepar3D, just cant get it to run at a reasonable frame rate with Add
On Scenery. Fine with 'stock' scenery, but it's just not
'up there' enough. At High Settings in Palma and Budapest rates
were down as low as 8. UK2000 Xtreme scenery fared better
with averages of about 15-18 fps. But not good enough. And
it's an i5 machine with a real cool video
card. Let's see if they part with the money as easily as they take
it...Watch this space.
My thanks again for another successful year for visitors. Over
164,000 distinct visits to 31/08/2012. Also
brought in lots of interesting emails and new contacts.
Sounds .pdf is done. click the link or on the image
below. That's it, have a great week, i'm off to Greece and
back home 18th Sptember where I have a plan :o)
Well with the
introduction of the Academic Licence for PREPAR3D, I decided to give
it a trial. Downloading it is a feat in itself at 10.5gb, but hey you
have to give it a go.
Based around FSX there's a few enhancements, but no stock
737. Getting scenery in was relatively easy because I used
the FSX
to Prepar3d Migration Tool from Simmarket which made migration
painless. It fools your installers into thinking that Prepar3d
is FSX so all installations go into Prepar3d - Easy :o) BUT,
performance wise, out of the box with stock scenery it runs
fine. As soon as I put payware UK2000 and Aerosoft scenery and
weather in, frame rates dropped to as low as 8, not good. Test
machine was a clean install W7 64bit PC with Quad core Intel at 3.2Ghz
and 4mb Ram. So it appears if you want to run Prepar3d,
think big processor (I7) 8mb Ram and a very high end video
card. So in conclusion, $49.95 for the program - a
bargain, but you need to spend 1500 euro's on a machine to run
it Hmmmmm.
Right then,
we've got the Trim Up and Trim Down wave file working both on the
Manual Trim Switch and using the internal Trim Motor Up and Trim Motor
Down Gates in Prosim. Great News.
Sound files are creating a mountain of fun, not just for me, but I
have been talking to several people about adding sound
effects. It is quite complicated to do if you've never
done it before as i've been experiencing with a couple of colleagues,
so i am working on a 'How To' document to try to make life a little
easier for mates who are just starting out on this road.
I hope to have it done by the weekend.
Sad to
see Project Opensky has closed. I remember playing with
several of their models when i started using Prosim. I
have three models available. An Air Europa 737-600, a
Thomson 737-800 and a Boeing House colours 737-800 which I'll make
available on the Downloads page later in the week.
Look what i've
got on my desk :o) These are the new BBI-32 Interfaces
from Leo Bodnar. This chap is truly amazing. Very
high quality 32 Button Interface allows you to connect upto 32
switches, 16 encoders and now 11 rotary's. I haven't quite
worked out the rotary's yet, but the brides away at a wedding in
Sardinia, so I've got some time to play and find
out. And the Price - Jaw Droppingly low at
GB£29.95. Check them out here http://www.leobodnar.com/products/BBI-32/
two days this week I had Tom McBennett here. Tom is an ex-Aer Lingus
Captain with 39,000 flying hours logged. He's flown everything from a
kite to a 747. Tom is building his cockpit at
home and wanted an insight into how he could tweak Prosim to get the
best out of it. So we had quite a few hours to explore the
program and get a couple of sectors in as well. Great stories
from his flying career and a real character.
More Goodies Up For Grabs !
Norman Bartlett has the following Items FOR
SALE - Details

Up, there's his Home Made TQ. All built and wired, just needs
connecting up to a Bodnar Card. This is full scale with working
throttles, reversers, parking brake,fuel cutoffs and flaps. The
construction is mdf shell with all top covers made in Aluminium! it
looks as good as any off the shelf but is not motorised £360
Next there's
an Opencockpits MCP, the type without the box and 2 x EFIS Units. All
are in very good condition the MCP is unmarked! He will sell the Efis
units for £100
each and the
MCP for £225
or £400
the lot.
And Finally he's got an unused Symulatory Steering Tiller at £50
Prices are
Plus Shipping or can be picked up from
TAMWORTH. If any thing is of
Interest, you can contact Norman HERE
        12/08/2012 Been
putting in a new Cockpit Computer this week because not to put too
fine a point on it, the old one was F****d.
sure you know what i mean :o) Using SanDisk SSD's. What a
performance increase. Load time drastically reduced and saved
flights are loading in the blink of an eye :o) So
while i was doing that I got toying around with new sound files for
use in Prosim. Some i have adapted from the old PMDG Files, but
they still sound good. The cockpit of a 737 is not a quiet
environment and the more 'ambience' that we have the better it is for
me. So here's the result of this weeks fun and
games. Click on an image to hear the file or right click
and save it. All the files are enclosed in the .zip file
if that makes life easier. The APdisconnect was recorded
in a real 737. I'm going to be experimenting
today with the trim wave file because i want to see if i can get it
working with the Trim Motor gate and also on the manual trim switch on
the yokes. Watch this space.
there's going to be some more kit
for sale.
Norman Bartlett has an Opencockpits MCP, 2 x EFIS and a TQ for sale.
I'll be uploading pictures, prices and contact details this week
Steve Mitchell and I both send our thanks. Everything and I mean
everything from his cockpit sold. I cant believe it.
These items were only uploaded Tuesday Morning and by close of play
Friday, all that was left was the dust. All we got to do
now is distribute it around the UK & Europe.
Right, some interest in more sound files to use with Prosim.
I've emailed these to several people over the week, so i thought i'd
upload them for easy access. These are the three 'V' speed
callouts which you can trigger with a Gate in Prosim. Click on an
image to hear the file and then download the VSpeeds .zip file - easy
:o) More Coming.
31/07/2012 Well
I was over at Steve Mitchell's yesterday. He's moving and his
sim has to go. So, he has lots of kit available for
sale. Have a look at the For Sale page HERE.
Some nice kit available from CPFlight, Simworld, Engravity,
there's a TQ, a yoke an Aluminium Centre Pedestal and some other

Another GLB
Flight Products Gear Lever arrived for wiring up this week.
I am really impressed with these at the money.
You can not only connect it up via a Bodnar Card, but you can light it
up as well. Simple connection. See the doc on the
This one was for Colin Batson in Norfolk.
Right, another visitor this
week. Steve Cozens (LarryLynx) was here and we were discussing
all sorts of things, especially sounds in the cockpit. I
was showing Steve what I had got
working and I guess he was suitably impressed.
is going to be more kit for sale. Coming Up is an
Engravity CDU, a full set of CPFlight Radios, a Symulatory TQ (non
motorised), some home made yokes and an MIP. A CPFlight Full
Size 737EL MCP with
2 x EFIS and a CPFlight MCPEX expansion board. There's also a
SIMWORLD overhead which is wired up on 2 x Bodnar Cards and a Phidgets
LED64 card. I've got the
MCPEX1 board HERE. Expands the USB 737MCP and the Old style
RS232 type MCP. Connects over a 40 pin Data Cable. Allows
64 configurable digital inputs, 6 analog (pots) inputs. Has 10
assignable Relay outputs and 2 x digital outputs.
£30 + shipping.
The rest of the kit will be here this week, so i'll photograph it and
give more details when i've spoken to Steve Mitchell tomorrow.
Cockpit performance is now back upto
standard, it's running like a watch. Did a couple of flights
yesterday to fine tune the controls and add some sound effects,
talking of which...... I was playing around with some wave
files for the APU Start, Run & Shutdown which I can trigger from
gates in Prosim. Great effect. Click on a Wave
Image to hear the sounds and the right image contains them in a
.zip file.. More sound files coming.
It's taken me 5 weeks to do the transition to Prosim, but it's been
well worth it because raising the bar on system performance and
realism has certainly been worth the effort, I'm really pleased with
the results.
new destinations now for us to Fly To. Spent my pocket
money this week on the New Sharm el Sheik (HESH) and Nice Cote de Zur
(LFMN) scenery packages from Aerosoft. Going to
install them today, so i'll get some screenshots.
And a
day out this week again, Stephen Balmer was here from Glasgow having a
spin and discussing interfacing. Now here's a man with
ambition. I suspect we will be seeing a lot more of
Thanks chaps, everything sold except
the speakers, but what have they got to do with cockpit building,
they'll have to go on ebay. Well
Lelystad is up again this year and I've been talking to Eren and we're
showing again. So, if you didn't book, then now's the
time. Call MAX at the Airport Hotel, he's got space.
Here's the No. +31 (0)320 216286 or
info@lelyhotel.nl .
I've just booked Friday & Saturday Night. So, I'll see
you there then :o)
few people have asked me about getting my overhead working with Prosim
and I have one arriving shortly to build for Colin Batson. So,
I've written the switchmap document which will help you sort out which
switch you need to use with which function. Here's the
first draft.
10/07/2012 Had
a terrible week with the TQ, just
can't get it working right in Prosim. Erroneous behaviour.
But my compliments to Oral who has been bouncing scripts back and
forth to me to try to get it right. I've disabled the
auto's at the moment because I want to get the cockpit flying and
flying well.

Happy to advise the Overhead is back
in and running with Prosim 100%.
Been test flying it. Went into Corfu on VATSIM yesterday and who's
there - well Sean Nixon.
What i've got to do now is get the TQ working. I have been
talking to Oral who is going to sort the script for me - then all it
needs is a f*****g good clean :o)
Ok, here's the kit I have FOR SALE. A CPFlight
85% Scale USB MCP.
My Home Made EFIS Units.
A Pokeys 55USB Card. A BU0836 Card
on a Breakout Board.
A CPFlight Metal Desktop MCP & EFIS Frame.
And 2 Sets of BOSE Speakers.
Just click on the FOR SALE Sign or one of the images above for
more info & price.
There is some interest already in the Pokeys card an the EFIS
Units. Thanks chaps.
The Glare Wing Switches & Warning
Annunciators are In and Working :o) Pics by the weekend
because I've got the Overhead Out for re-wiring and the cockpit looks
like something out of Aircrash Investigations.
I've done a bit more on the Prosim Overhead Switchmap document and
when I finish the Wiring on the Overhead and tested it, i'll be able
to finish that.
I'm Having a Hanger Sale soon.
Items will include a Pokeys55
card, a CPFlight
MCP/EFIS Frame, two
Homemade EFIS Units, 2 Sets of BOSE Speakers 1 x 100watts and 1 x
150watts and some other stuff that i have no use for anymore so they
can go to a good home. Details soon.
Well it's like saying Goodbye to an
old friend. The PMDG 737 gave me so much fun and threw
challenges at me that taught me so much for which I will always be
But the PMDG is no more, it's dead, buried and done for. R.I.P.
I have been setting up a system running Prosim737 which I have been
toying around with for about 6 months, then Monday I decided that it
has to be installed in the cockpit.
So, off I went,
wire cutters in hand and set about destroying my cockpit :o(
There's wires everywhere. But by Wednesday Night
I've got the displays in and working, the CPFlight
hooked up and it's flying. Two test flights Manchester to Milan
and Liverpool to Alicante. Both flights successful.
Now comes the long road of completely re-wiring all the switches so
they work with Prosim. By the way, I like the new feature
that makes the assignments easier where Prosim reads the action of a
switch and then lets you automatically apply that switch to your given
function. And the program is now even auto updating itself which
is going to save a lot of work. Here's a few snaps of it
working. Today's job is to get the Captains Glare
switches and Warning Annunciators wired up to the CPFlight MIP737

No I'm not dead nor have i gone into
hiding :o) Just been so busy with stuff. The
New Truck arrived after waiting 16 weeks for delivery, but it's
fabulous. Then I've been decorating and moving my daughter
to a new house, Madame wanted all the Gardening Equipment Serviced and
Sharpened. You know how it is :o(
onto the serious shit...... I haven't been doing nothing in my
absence. I've been sorting out the switch map for the Prosim overhead
and also the outputs for the annunciators from the PHIDGETS
LED64ADV. I'm in the process of writing it all up, so i'll
upload it when i'm finished.

CARDIFF Xtreme from Gary Summons UK2000 is out, so I had to go buy it
didn't I :o) Me and Rhys BETTERIDGE just had to fly in
when we did our 'Ryanair Day'.
Manchester to Lisbon, Lisbon to Milan and finally Milan to Cardiff all
in one day - PHEW!
Sim performed beautifully, just one snag which meant he had to do a
Raw Data
Approach Into Cardiff, but that's what it's all about.
22/05/2012 Just
had a 10 days in Greece, no worries, no issues with Euro's and
everybody is still working in cash in their back pocket ... hmmmm
:o) :o) But you have to love the Greeks don't you.
Right, before I get going on the Cockpit re-furb, here's something for
you to think about. My colleague Simon Lummis is going to ride a
bicycle 900 miles from the farthest point in the west of England to
the top of Scotland. And he's going to do it in 9 days, that is
ride a bike 100 miles a day (takes me all my time to ride mine 2 miles
to the shop and back).
He's doing it for the Help For Heroes charity so if you can, please
donate something even if it's only £1, 1 euro or $1.
Just click on the image to donate - Thanks Chaps :o)

Couple of mails in about the digits. One in from Norman Bartlett who asked about
them. He attached some of his build pics for me. This is
all hand made...... I stand in awe at people who have a skill with
wood. I was so impressed I just had to share them.
Well done Norm :o)

 01/05/2012 Another
set of digits :o) These are becoming another job I do.
These are destined for Alan Watson's Overhead Panel which I wired up
for him recently.
I've also found time to fit the GLB Gear Lever. What a f*****g
job! Had to re-model  everything
to make it fit. But it's done and I'm really pleased with
it. Photo's coming.
a couple of visitors in over the last week so the sim has been flying
full bore. My mate Rhys Bettridge (left) was here. Rhys is ex
Air Canada 767 Transatlantic pilot having a 'Gap Year'.
Always a pleasure to fly with Real World Pilots, you pick up little
tricks off them. One stop was Innsbruck because Rhys used to fly
757's into LOWI. To quote "Many
thanks again for a great day flying, not only a great sim but great
fun to share the flight deck with someone as kind and enjoyable as
Never had a visitor from South Africa until now.
Yesterday Gert De Beer (right) arrived from Johannesburg for some
serious Simming and to learn how i do things. He was 'gobsmacked'
when he saw the sim and even more amazed when he actually got to fly
it. :o)
23/04/2012 The
Revolution - Jetstream Website has gone live. Eren called
me Friday so I could have a look round it. The Yokes, the
Liners and even the Cockpit shell is up there. There's
some suprise prices on TQ's and even a non motorised one again.
Check it out HERE
or click the image

  22/04/2012 The
Digits have raised their head again. I've got three sets to make
for buddies. This is a set I made for Richard Hutchinson (ok i
know there's one digit missing, but he only sent me
12). And Alan Watson is 'gagging' for a set as
well. It's not difficult to do so go on, have a
go. The doc on the right tells you how to do it.
  18/04/2012 First,
thanks to everybody who called, e-mailed and Facebook'd me on my
Birthday (18th). Do I know that many people
:o) I even got a few Birthday Cards in the
mail. Thank you!
The Sim has been extremely busy the last two weeks and consequently so
have I. Will Ngan (far left) all the way from
San Jose California was here on the 13th and the 14th while he was in
the UK. Will is hoping to Join Cathay Pacific on their
Simulator Team in Hong Kong shortly so I guess he came here to check
out the competition :o) :o) :o) Then
17th saw Cap'n Roger Harris (centre) here again for some more beating
the crap out of the sim practising VOR/DME approaches into Alicante
and Corfu. Roger always goes away smiling.
Then Thursday saw Roy Brown from Spain in. Roy lives near REUS
and is building a 737 in one of his bedrooms. What a life
eh! Sun, Sand and 737 into the bargain :o)
Nothing to do with Cockpit Building,
but I've been watching MOONSHINERS on the Discovery Channel (a subject
very close to my heart) and this made me smile.... the 'dumb
ass' Lawman said ' Moonshining is a money driven criminal activity' -
well same can be said about Leehman Brothers, J P Morgan, Barclays,
RBS and Citicorp I suppose :o)) If you haven't seen this series
watch it, you'll love Tickle and Popcorn Sutton..........
Simon Corish was on to me, he's got an OPENCOCKPITS
MCP (uncased) and an EFIS
for sale. Simon tells me they are in excellent condition and
he's looking at around 300 euro's for them. So if anybody
has an interest, You can contact Simon HERE
Several things on the go.....First up
i've been wiring some of Geremy's
Gear Levers to the BU0836 card so he can offer a 'Plug & Play'
solution. The idea has worked very well and hopefully it'll help
him sell a few more. So I wired the one i
bought off him ready to go in the pit this summer and i realised, you
can also light the Knob LED from Leo's card as well because there is a
5v tap from the USB Bus on it which will drive the Knob LED thru a
330ohm resistor into the bargain.
i've been playing around with the sound environment and started to
collect all the ATC Chatter files i have around the
place. There's a collection of over 600 Ground,
Tower, Approach and En Route files contained within this Zip File.
They are in wave format so you can use them in any program which can
play Chatter Files like FDC or the newer Flight
Deck Live Cockpit.
EREN's been in contact again, they
are ready to put v2 of the TQ into production, so he wants to clear
the stock of v1.8 Throttle Quadrants. He's offering these
at 2999 euros + vat with a fixed shipping rate in Europe of 110
euros. He tells me there are seven in the production
phase, so if you want a TQ, here's your chance.
Click the Image to contact EREN or here's
the link to his email address.

15/03/2012 EREN's
just been on the phone and there's lots of news from Paris.
First up, I first saw this about 18 months ago. What they have
done is develop a full metal construction IPECO copy
seat. It's fully adjustable, exactly like the 'real
deal'. Development is now finished and
you can expect to see this being made available
soon. I dont have any pricing information as of this
time, but as soon as i do i'll post it. Or mail EREN HERE
for more information.
First Officer Manesh Kumar was here from Belfast for a play.....He's
on A319's but we thought we'd give him the opportunity to fly
something that doesn't do all the work for
you. He said " This Sim is absolutely
amazing ". He must have had a good time, he wants to come
back :o)
Just had
an e-mail from Chris Hodgson who was here last week prior to his Sim
Check at Gatwick HE PASSED ! Chris said "I passed the
sim check with flying colours! The time spent in your simulator
certainly helped me gain familiarity with the instrument layout and
scan pattern." JOB DONE THEN !
The workbench is clear
for now, just waiting for two more overhead panels to arrive. So
in the mean time I've been flying the sim lots & lots
:o)) Three more destinations added
this week. Upgraded the Athens LGAV
scenery to the Fly Tampa version. Very nice rendition
of Venezelos indeed. Also purchased Gary Summon's UK2000
EGNX East Midlands. Again he's done a superb job as
always. And finally I bought Eiresim's
EGGW London Luton. Not quite upto Gary's standard, but
still very good indeed. Check them out for some new eye
Two visitors coming tomorrow, so i'd better go and clean out the sim
then :o))
21/02/2012 Three Visitors in the last 5 days, so the sim has been doing it's bit.
Very pleased to welcome our first Thomas Cook pilot
Chris Hodgeson. Chris is doing a sim check tomorrow at
Gatwick on a 737. so he came for some practise on Raw Data Approaches,
ILS to DH in Minima and one engine ops. Great fun and a
pleasure to see the sim used to it's fullest potential.
Wednesday saw Neil Heather & Norman Sutton over for a visit.
Neil (ex-First Choice & Jet2) has been before but this time he
brought a colleague Norman Sutton. Norman is ex SAAB 340 captain
and is 82 years old which only goes to prove you're never too old to
enjoy 'simming'. They had a great time touring the taxiways at
Gatwick, Manchester & East Mids.
15/02/2012 I have been talking to Tom BYRNE from Galway. Tom has a full flight sim
situated at the Airport. Sadly the airport is now closed
and he has to find a new home for the sim. It's an ex-Sabena
Simulator refurb'd in NG configuration running FS9. Tom is
looking to sell it. He tells me 'The asking price is Eu90K or nearest offer which I realise sounds a lot of
money, but this is the real deal and when fully completed will be worth an awful
lot more. This sim cost Sabena $1.1m when they purchased it.
I would really love to find a new owner who has the enthusiasm to see it reach its full
potential'. You can contact Tom HERE

11/02/2012 Well news this week is
Eren has been in touch about his latest
product. Look at these then. Full
737 Shell Liner Set. Just look at the attention to
detail. Very simple assembly, each side comes as 3
sections. The Lower, Centre & Top. 9 Nuts
& Bolts Per Side which means two guys can put this together in an
Available as the Whole Shell at 2950 euro or just the Captains side
at 1800 euro plus vat, plus shipping. Check them out
 04/02/2012 Thanks
chaps, the MITSUBISHI Sold and i didn't even have to haggle.
Having a brand new Toyota Hilux with the new 2012 registration
:o)) :o)) :o))
Well had a lot on lately and Cockpit Building has sort of taken a
'back seat' at the moment. In fact I am ashamed to say, my
sim has only been on once this year. But my desk/workbench
is getting clear and I'm eager to continue getting Prosim more
Integrated in the Cockpit. I know the CPFlight Kit and the
Engravity CDU work with it, so i want to have the F/O station and the
EICAS Screens running so i can keep it flyable while i sort the
Captains side. And with v1.3 we now have weather radar, so
next time the Cockpit's on, i'll get some shots.
Well Gez from GLB
Flight Products was onto me about the Gear
Lever. I did promise I would photograph it, but things don't
always go to plan, do they. With al the work I've been doing for
everybody else, i actually haven't fitted it yet. But over
the weekend, i'll take some shots of it.
It really is a nice piece of kit for the money and coming from me,
that's a compliment.
2011 News & Photo's moved to it's own page HERE
09/01/2012 'ere,
anybody want to buy a MITSUBISHI L200?
I'm changing my motor and have For Sale my Truck. Nov 2004 L200
pickup with Genuine 26,000 Miles which i've had from new. Full Service
History, MOT'd until Mid Nov.2012 and Taxed till the end of October.
Very Clean Inside and Out (yes it really is this clean). New Cam
Belt Fitted at 5 years old as recommended by the Manufacturer and New
Battery Fitted last winter. Sony Radio/CD Player. Electric
windows. Electric heated Mirrors. Towbar (i used to tow
the Microlight with it). A real good buy for
somebody, drives like the day it came out of the factory. A few
little dinks on it which you have to expect from a vehicle like this,
but overall in very nice condition for seven years old. £4500
.... Mail me for more Info HERE
or call me in the UK 0794 740 9394
first things first on the News front. David Bullock has been in
touch with a nifty way to overcome the
backlight issue with the Opencockpits MCP. What he's done
is use LED strip very cleverly and strategically placed behind the
front plate on his unit. Have a look at the document
he wrote using a step by step guide and with photographs detailing how
he did it.
Today, we had the first visitor of the year, Roger Harris.
Roger is a ships Captain and this is was his third visit
over. He loves learning all the tips and tricks I
pick up from the real guys who come. In Roger's own words
My Hearty Thanks for such a great flight, I had a Ball and learned
things I was unaware I didn't know. JOB DONE :o))

my thanks to Bjorn Harlin for
the image which i stole because it was the best one i received :o))
01/01/2012 Well
the end of another very busy year :o)) I just want to
thank everybody for being supportive, understanding and keeping me
busy. 50 visitors this year, here's just a few, just look at all
those happy faces.
talking about visitors the final one in this year was Ben Weston from
Durham who brought his lovely lady Sally along for a spin in the
sim. Ben is considering building a 100% replica 737 for hire, so
we had a good chat about it all and did a full flight test on
Prosim. Worked flawlessly!
Plans for this year is to totally integrate Prosim into the cockpit
and do some maintenance.
is Prosim is out of BETA.
v1 was officially released 31st December
So, it just remains
for me to wish you all a very Happy New Year and here's to 2012.