This is how the
Backlighting is done. I use an ATX Power Supply to give me the
d.c. for the LED's. This P.S.U. also delivers 12v, so I have
hooked up 10 MES bulbholders around the frame and switch them
thru the Panel Light Switch. Here's a couple of shots of
my OLD SYMULATORY PANEL to give you the idea.

You Will Need

These are the long paddle Toggle
Switches you will need. In Europe, you
can get them HERE
and in the US you can get them HERE

Taiwan Alpha
Rotary Switch Available in all switching formats and
combinations just about anywhere. In the UK, get them HERE.

This is a Pulse Switch which
operates in both directions. It contains two switching circuits.
One switches in the Clockwise direction and the other switches
in the Anti Clockwise direction. You get one ON/OFF sequence per
detente. Only the switch in the operating direction
works. It is a momentary switch which can give you
one or repeated switching actions in both directions. Hook it up
to your keyboard encoder or Joystick controller and you now have
a rotary control. Heres the DATA

LED's, use High Intensity LED's
because there's nothing worse than a dim indicator. You are
going to need Blue, Green, RED and Amber.

A 500w (or
better still a 650w) ATX Power Supply is going to give you all
the power you need on the overhead. 12v, 5v, 3v and 2v are all
readily available from this